
Ready to work on the appearance of your smile? Invisalign offers a discreet method for straightening your teeth. By bringing hardly any attention to your smile, clear aligners gradually shift your teeth in the right position. Invisalign is great for both adults and teens! With Invisalign Teen, you can reach your smile goals in your teen years without brackets or braces interrupting your daily routine. No matter your age, it’s never too late to work towards a more confident smile. 

The Invisalign® Process

The first step in the Invisalign process is a consultation with your orthodontist. Your smile will be examined and the best type of treatment will be determined. If you are a candidate for Invisalign, a personalized plan for treatment will be put into place. Digital impressions will be taken of your smile. From these impressions, your orthodontist will show you a digital mock up of what your smile is expected to look like at the end of treatment. These impressions will also give your orthodontist the necessary information for custom aligners to be made. Sets of clear aligners will be given to you at the start of treatment, with each set designed to slowly reposition your teeth a little more. As you work your way through each set of aligners you will see your smile gradually shifting into place. Periodic visits with our team will be scheduled to ensure that your smile stays on the right track. At the end of treatment, a custom retainer will be made. Your retainer will help keep your teeth in place as your mouth adjusts to your new smile. 

Invisalign® Teen: Helping Kids Get a Straight Smile

Invisalign is often sought after from teens because it helps with their confidence knowing they do not have to wear traditional metal braces. However, Invisalign also requires the patient to have discipline in wearing their aligners properly. With Invisalign Teen, the plastic aligners come with a colored compliance dot. If the aligners are worn the proper amount of time, 22 hours a day, the dot will slowly fade in coloration, proving to doctors and parents that the aligners are being used properly. When properly worn, Invisalign can help patients see results in as little as six months!

Why Patients Love Invisalign®

There are many benefits of Invisalign compared to traditional braces. With removable clear aligners, you are able to continue enjoying all of the foods that you love. Regular flossing and brushing is also possible. Caring for your smile is easy with Invisalign treatment. Invisalign has given millions of patients a more confident smile, and it could be the perfect fit for you! 

If you are interested in Invisalign in Bronx, NY, call our office today to get started!

  • Woman wearing orthodontic silicone trainer. Invisible braces aligner. Mobile orthodontic appliance for dental correction.
  • Face of a young woman with braces on her teeth
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